Control – Deep into style

20 September 2022

When we come out of a hair salon, we all feel like little stars: impeccable look, shiny hair, and perfect shapes. The tragedy takes place when back at home. How can we maintain and repropose that beautiful style that made us proud and happy every morning?
It is simple, with the help of the best styling&finishing products!

What do we mean by “styling” products? They are all those products conceived, developed, and produced to help the creation of hairdos and hairstyles on long, short, curly, or straight hair, whichever their nature is, and whatever age you have.
They could be defined as essential style alleys to obtain perfect curls, rigorous straight hair, or rock and trendy super sculpted looks.
These products are usually divided into three big categories: primers, to be used to prepare and protect hair. Styling products to realize and define any shape or style used before drying. And finishing products that complete the hairstyle. You use them to fix, perfect and finish the look. SCREEN has just launched its new CONTROL Style&Finish line.
The revolution has involved formulas, fragrances, and packaging. The development of the new line results from the encounter between technical expertise and creativity. Thanks to the matching of these two visions, CONTROL offers additional creative freedom and reliable support in creating any look, from the most complex and particular to the most natural and authentic.

Which are the most critical novelties?

As been asked to SCREEN R&D dept. “High performance, captivating perfumes, and precious ingredients,” is the reply. “All this characterizes the entire range, an essential working tool for exigent and inspired professionals, and a fundamental resource for all those who want to surprise with a stunning and impeccable look!”
Natural origin ingredients enriched the line increasing technical performances. They are Spirulina Extract, TT-Keratin Complex, and a Blend of precious fermented Oils. The inspiration? “ The freshness and the strength of the sea, its ability to nourish, caress and mold” – R&D explains – “All this has inspired CONTROL formulas and image. Result of technological innovation and research, CONTROL products, respect the hair while designing infinite identities, diving, those who will use them, in a context of deep experience and style.

ESTRATTO DI SPIRULINA | La spirulina è una microalga blu-verde dall’elevato potere anti-ossidante. Contiene grandi quantitativi di vitamine, minerali e amminoacidi essenziali che apportano ossigeno, stimolano il rigeneramento cellulare e fortificano i capelli. La spirulina è considerata anche un ottimo alleato per prevenire gli effetti ossidativi di inquinamento, raggi UV e Blue-Light.

TT-KERATIN COMPLEX | È una speciale miscela di cheratina idrolizzata ed estratto di Trametes Versicolor anche detto Turkey Tail. Questo fungo contiene la laccasi , un enzima che attivato dal calore, con una tecnologia completamente naturale, aiuta a mantenere i capelli in una determinata forma. È inoltre, un naturale termo-protettivo che fortifica i ponti disolfuro, protegge e rinforza il capello.

BLEND DI OLI FERMENTATI | Grazie alla sinergia di differenti oli fermentati nasce un ricco complesso nutriente con proprietà anti-crespo, idratanti, illuminanti e lucidanti. La fermentazione migliora l’efficacia del singolo olio che porta con sé specifici effetti benefici che uniti agli altri, donano un intensificato effetto cosmetico. (Oli di Semi di Te verde, Camelia, Mandorla dolce, Girasole e Argan).


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